Short term financing while you await SBA loan approval

SBA loans can be ideal for small and medium sized businesses. However, the application process can often take up to 3-6 months.

If you have at least $500,000 in annual business revenue, talk with our advisors about the SBA Bridge Loan offered through Mulligan Funding today to see how we can help you with your short term needs.

Waiting for an SBA loan? Apply with Mulligan Funding today to learn about funding solutions while you await SBA approval.

Apply for an SBA Bridge Loan

Qualifications: In business for at least 9 months with at least $10k/month in average sales


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The SBA Bridge Loan has been designed to help with your short-term needs

If you've applied for a loan through the SBA, you may have to wait 3-6 months to find out if your business has been approved.
The SBA Bridge Loan product through Mulligan Funding has been designed specifically to help your businesses with your short-term needs.

How do I qualify for a business loan through Mulligan Funding?

Average Revenue

  • At least $10,000 in average revenue a month over 9 months

Time in Business

  • At least 9 months

Financial History

  • FICO score

    Minimum Score of 600

No more than one fixed daily/weekly debit loan, and free from open bankruptcies

If you fit these qualifications, our loan advisors would love to speak with you to cover some additional qualifications and answer any questions you have about your business loan options.

Apply Online

Or call us at 866-395-4726 to speak with a loan advisor.


  • What is the SBA Bridge Loan through Mulligan Funding?

    The SBA Bridge Loan product was created to support a short-term need for businesses while they await approval on their SBA loan. The Bridge Loan through Mulligan Funding is not related to the SBA and is not government funded, but was created to support a need for capital during the extended period of time that it typically takes to get approval from the SBA.

  • What will the payment be on my SBA Bridge Loan?

    Your payment will be dependent on your loan amount along with other factors. You will have a weekly ACH that assumes the loan will be paid back over a term of 12 months. This will allow us to give you a payment that is manageable, and also a back-up strategy in case your SBA approval does not come through.

  • How much do I save if the bridge loan is refinanced by an SBA Loan?

    You can expect to reduce your total financing costs by 55-65% if your bridge loan is refinanced within 3-6 months.

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