How Small Business
Term Loans Work
– It’s Really Simple:
You may be approved for the maximum loan for which your business qualifies. Take as much of that as you can actively use now – and know that the additional funding is there if and when you need it1.
You also have the ability to pay in excess funds to reduce your balance, or request an additional draw if you need the extra funding – as you need2. Once again, you will only pay fees on the money you have actually accessed.
This allows you the freedom to manage your funding as you wish – and this flexibility means that you can react to changes in your business circumstances as they occur. You’ll have the comfort of knowing that Mulligan is always available to provide you with access to what you need, when you need it.

$10,000 to $2 million
3 to 24 months
In as soon as a few hours*
As soon as the same business day you apply*
When to Consider Business Term Loans Through Mulligan
Are you looking for $5,000 to $2,000,000 with terms ranging from 3 to 24 months and no prepayment penalty? Business Term Loans are particularly well-suited for business owners looking to:
- Purchase equipment
- Buy out a partner
- Remodel or make major leasehold improvements
- Open a new location
- Expand into a new territory
- Launch a significant marketing campaign
- Hire several new employees
- Launch a new product or service

Requirements for a small business term loan through Mulligan Funding
Do You Qualify?
You can be located in any of the 50 states and D.C. You just need to:
- Have revenues in the past 12 months of at least $750,000
- Be in business for at least 6 months
- Be profitable

Take a look
The Ease and Simplicity
of Our Process
Seamless Online

Approval in as Soon as a Few Hours*

Funding as Soon as the Same Business Day You Apply*

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